What is “State” in a React component?

Sat Jun 18 2022

- D. K. Dhabale

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Let’s take the example of a Car. This might be a state for the object Car -

“passengers”: [”Amy”, “Sheldon”, “Penny”],
“isOn”: false,

State in class-based components

import React, { Component } from "react";
export default class Car extends Component{
state = {
“passengers”: [”Amy”, “Sheldon”, “Penny”],
“isOn”: false,
“fuel”: 80,
//To update the state
//To update the state based on the previous state, you can pass a function to
//this.setState(). The function has access to the previous state.
//We use the render method to render HTML in a class component
<p>Is Engine On? - {isOn}</p>
<p>Fuel - {fuel}</p>
{/* You can use the map method to render an array. */}

State in function-based components

import React, { useState } from "react";
export default function Car(){
const [passengers, setPassengers] = useState([”Amy”, “Sheldon”, “Penny”]);
const [isOn, setIsOn] = useState(false);
const [fuel, setFuel] = useState(80);
const [make, setMake] = useState("VW");
// This is the useState hook. It returns an array of which the first variable
// is the state while the second one is the setter of the state
//Now if you want to change the state of "isOn"
//As simple as that!
//In a function based component you can simply return the HTML to be rendered
<p>Is Engine On? - {isOn}</p>
<p>Fuel - {fuel}</p>
{/* You can use the map method to render an array. */}

📌 React has this cool feature called 🔥hot reloading, so if you modify the state of a React component. The component changes its content without reloading the page!

That’s all you need to understand the React state.